Crassula Plants: Very Different, Yet Very Alike!
by Lynn KirkAug 31, 2021

How do you describe Crassula plants? Well, Crassula plants are very different, yet very alike! Here's why:
How are Crassula plants different?
Some Crassula plants are perennials ... others annuals.
Some Crassula plants are bonsai pruned ... others are free to be small trees.
Some Crassula plants are long-stem, trailing ... others shrub-stem, compact.
Some Crassula plants sport silver leaves ... others lime green.
Some Crassula plants have pancake-stack leaves … others fat, oval leaves.
Some Crassula plants grow 4 inches tall ... others 6 feet tall.
Some Crassula plants look like pea-like strings ... others traditional rosettes.
Some Crassula plants present leaves in pairs ... others symmetric rows.
Some Crassula plants have woody stems ... others herbaceous stems.
Some Crassula plants boast leaves of colored accents … others solid greens.
Some Crassula plants bloom regularly … others only at life’s end.
Some Crassula plants grow potted indoors … others grow planted outdoors.
How are Crassula plants alike?*
All Crassula plants are succulents.
All Crassula plants are low-maintenance.
All Crassula plants prefer sandy soil that drains.
All Crassula plants will rot if left standing in water.
All Crassula plants are easy to propagate.
All Crassula plants like medium sunlight.
All Crassula plants can be affected by mealybugs and aphids.
All Crassula plants are slow growers.
All Crassula plants seldom need fertilizer.
All Crassula plants are members of the Stonecrop family.
*Exception is the invasive Australian swamp Stonecrop.
Who first categorized and sorted the Crassula plants?
In 1753, Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus categorized 10 species of Crassula (pronounced KRAS-ew-la). Most lived along along South Africa’s eastern cape, but in the centuries since, Crassula plants have been found around the globe. Today, we classify 200 to 300 different species of Crassula plants, depending on whether you include those considered invasive weeds.
What are the Crassula plants’ common names?
The Crassula name comes from the Latin word ‘crassus,’ which means ‘thick’ or ‘fat’ -- just like the genus' fleshy nature. You can also just about guess what a Crassula species might look like if you know its common name. For example, what comes to mind when you read these Crassula names? String of Buttons. Watch chain. Living coral. Rattlesnake plant. Campfire plant. Pagoda Village. Tom Thumb. Devil’s Horns. Hummel’s Sunset. Tiger’s Jaw. High Voltage. Calico Kitten. Baby’s Necklace. Dwarf rubber plant.
What is the most popular Crassula plant?
The jade plant (Crassula ovata), is probably the most popular Crassula plant. It supposedly brings good luck, but regardless, it certainly brings beauty and green-thumb success because it's so carefree and easy to grow. This well-known houseplant resembles a miniature bonsai tree, based on its thick trunk and form. It also produces a nice surprise: tiny star-shaped flowers in hues of white or pink. It's good to know a few of the jade plant's common names, if you're in the market to buy. Here are a few: Money tree, Lucky plant, Dollar plant.
Where can you buy Crassula plants that are very different, yet very alike?
Succulent Market features 10 species of Crassula plants for gifting to friends (or yourself).
- Crassula Arborescens Silver Dollar
- Crassula Dubia
- Crassula Falcata
- Crassula Gollum
- Crassula Ivory Tower
- Crassula Orbicularis
- Crassula Ovata Hobbit
- Crassula Ovata Variegata
- Crassula Perforta (String of Buttons)
- Crassula Tetragona
This domestic grower also sells potted collections and sets of Crassula plants, as well as assorted cuttings for your own planting fun.
Whether you live in a frost-free zone where Crassula plants will survive or you want a hardy houseplant that will thrive, try Crassula plants and the nationally renowned vendor SUCCULENT MARKET. You'll be glad you did!