Do’s and Dont's for Succulent Plants
by Lynn KirkDec 21, 2021

You may be new to gardening. Or you may be new to the ever-growing, ever-popular family of succulents. Whatever the case, you probably would welcome a few do’s and don’ts for succulent plants.
So, here you go — the top Do’s and Don’ts for Succulent Plants.
DO use the right soil — and that is NOT dirt from your yard or garden.
Your succulent needs special soil that ensures easy drainage. Typically, succulent soil is a blend of potting soil or cactus soil mixed with pumice, perlite or sand. If you don’t want to make your own, visit
DO provide adequate sunlight – typically 4 to 5 hours per day.
Yes, sunshine is good for succulents since most species originated in sun-filled climates. But keep in mind that sunshine should not equal sunburn. Make sure your plant’s location doesn’t include harsh southwestern rays that do more harm than good. Also rotate the succulent every now and then so its natural reach toward the sun doesn’t cause lopsided or leggy growth.
DO maintain regular temperatures — and avoid hard freezes.
Maintaining a moderate temperate is easy when the plant is kept inside, but definitely more difficult when planted outdoors. That’s why most garden succulents prefer USDA Plant Zones 9 to 12 where they won’t be susceptible to freeze.
DO watch for bugs — the good and the bad.
If you spot insects on your succulent, don’t delay your response. Some pests multiply ever so quickly, plus they easily spread to other plants. Check out Succulent Market’s blog about insect identification, evaluation, and most of all, rectification.
DO welcome your succulent in your home — or your office.
After all, a succulent offers lots of advantages. The plant’s photosynthesis will remove pollutants from the air, making it purer for you and yours. A glimpse of nature (even in a pot) will help you relax, rejuvenate and reevaluate what’s important or not. And a succulent is an inexpensive way to decorate, making your environs distinctively yours!
DO propagate your succulent — after all, the extras are free!
Harvest and replant leaves or stems to build your collection. The only cost is a recycled pot and succulent soil. And fortunately, online tutorials make propagation a breeze.
DO share your succulents — with family, friends, teachers, and more.
Once you have newbie plants, make new container plantings or rock gardens for one-of-a-kind gifts. They not only keep on living; they keep on giving!
So what are some more do’s and don’ts for succulent plants?
DON’T overwater — that’s the number one killer of succulents!
Yes, overwatering can be a death warrant for a succulent plant. After all, the succulent’s design is to retain water in its plump leaves and roots. So when determining whether to water, poke your finger in the soil at least an inch to confirm whether the roots are dry. Keep in mind that the season of dormancy requires decreased watering, as do some species. And regardless of what you read, do NOT mist your succulent’s leaves. Instead, always directly water the soil.
DON’T use the wrong plant containers — no drainage holes is no good.
You don’t want your succulent’s roots to sit in water and stay wet. That situation tends to cause rot, disease or worst of all, plant death. That’s why a pot with drainage holes is so important, along with the proper succulent soil that supports drainage.
DON’T fertilize — unless it growing season.
Even then, fertilize sparingly if at all. Succulents are hardy, so they seldom need a growing boost. Keep in mind that they go dormant sometime during the year, too, depending on whether they’re summer or winter succulents. So again, identification is important for proper plant care!
DON’T place in reach of children and pets — even if the succulent is considered non-toxic.
Branches and shoots easily break, causing the gardener heartbreak. Also, some succulents become top-heavy, making them easily tippable. Regardless, there’s no need to take a chance around inquisitive little ones, whether human or not. Out of reach is peace of mind for everyone.
DON’T be afraid to try a new variety — or two!
Most succulents are thrivers and survivors requiring little to no care. Trying new varieties not only extends your collection; it builds your confidence as a gardener and provides more options for displays.
DON’T forget to order — at
As the country’s largest domestic grower of succulent plants, you’ll have access to the healthiest plants, the largest variety, the quickest delivery, and the best prices . . . all in one! So bookmark the best:
So now you know the top do’s and don’ts for succulent plants. Happy gardening!