Easiest Succulents To Grow Indoors
by Succulent MarketMar 26, 2021

When you buy your first succulent, one of the first things you’ll realise is that they are not like other houseplants. Once you get the hang of it though, taking care of them is a walk in the park - especially the one on this list.
Here are some of the easiest succulents to grow indoors.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is one of the most popular indoor succulents and it’s easy to see why. It’s very pleasing to the eye and its leaves have a host of health benefits.
To keep it nice and healthy, make sure that the soil is completely dry before each watering. It should also be exposed to a few hours of direct sunlight every day, making the windowsill an ideal landing spot.
One important note about Aloe vera for pet owners: Aloe vera is toxic for cats and dogs, so keep it high enough off the ground so that they can’t bite into it.
String Of Pearls
This is another easy succulent to grow indoors and is perfect for anyone that loves to hang plants from a basket. It’s a gorgeous plant that you can use as a standalone or as a filler.
Give String of Pearls plenty of light, but keep it away from direct sunlight in the afternoon. It doesn’t require a hefty watering schedule, but if you live in a warmer climate, then it may require a little more than normal. Keep an eye on it and make a note of the time between waterings for a healthy plant all year long.
Paddle Plant
Next up is a succulent that certainly makes a statement. Paddle Plant has round, red-tinted leaves that look perfect in a modern home.
Water the soil when it gets dry on top. It shouldn’t be exposed to direct sunlight either. That said, make sure it does get plenty of indirect light. You’ll know if it’s not getting enough light when the red tint starts to fade a little, or the plant itself starts to get a bit leggy.
Jade Plant
The Jade plant is another very popular succulent to grow indoors. It looks awesome in most containers and is very easy to maintain. In fact, because of its small root system, it won’t need repotting that often.
One of the key things to remember is to not overwater it. Wait until the soil has completely dried before watering again. When it’s time to water, give it plenty so that the soil is soaked.
Of course, it shouldn’t be underwatered either. Signs of underwatering include dull-looking leaves or they have started to wither. They’ll fall off if you wait too long to water the plant too, so find a healthy medium.
Panda Plant
Panda Plant is a very cute succulent that is also incredibly easy to care for indoors. It gets its name from its fuzzy leaves and freckled outline. Interestingly, the Panda Plant can sometimes flower but it’s very rare to happen when grown indoors, so enjoy it for what it is instead.
Again, wait for the soil to be completely dry before you water it. Keep it in a location that receives a lot of bright, direct morning sunlight, but away from the stronger afternoon sun.
Note that the Panda Plant doesn’t grow very well in cold drafts either, but if you do have them, this isn’t difficult to solve. Grab some weatherstrips or just re-seal the draft spots around the window and your Panda Plant will grow happy and healthy.
Burro’s Tail
Last, but certainly not least, is Burro’s Tail. This is one of the easiest succulents to grow indoors and looks excellent in a hanging basket. It’s ideal for homes with high ceilings as its leaves can grow as much as 3-feet long.
Just be careful touching it though. It’s a very delicate plant and even the slightest touch can cause its leaves to fall off. If you have kids but want to stick with the hanging plant idea, you’re probably better off with String of Pearls.
Burro’s Tail is low-maintenance, even in the winter when it becomes dormant, and doesn’t need much watering. To top it all off, it’s strong enough to grow outdoors in the summer, as long as it's acclimated to its new environment correctly.