One of the biggest concerns among plant parent newbies is in regards to how to care for their new succulents. One of the most common questions we receive at Succulent Market is, “how often should I water my new succulent”? The answer is quite simple. Not Alot! When evaluating how much water your succulent requires, it is essential to follow these steps.
1. Feel the soil. If the soil is completely dry, it is time to water!
2. If the soil is wet or if you feel any moisture Do Not Water. It is best to wait for the soil to dry out more.
3. When watering, drench the soil surrounding your succulent with water. Do not mist or spray your succulent, thoroughly soak the soil.
4. After soaking the soil, you’re done! As a rule of thumb, it is usually best to water succulents when indoors once a month, and succulents outdoors every two weeks. Ultimately, the frequency of how much you need to water your succulent will depend on its environment. Check the soil of your succulent occasionally and water your succulent when the soil becomes dry.