How To Revive Your Succulent
by Succulent MarketApr 16, 2021

How To Revive Your Succulent
You aren’t the first person to discover that your succulent is dying - and you certainly won’t be the last. No matter how much experience you have, there are many reasons this could have happened.
This guide will show you how to revive your succulent. But first, it’s important to understand what caused the problem in the first place.
Why Your Succulent Is Dying
This is one of the most common reasons why your succulent is dying. Succulents love dryness. They prefer to be watered far less frequently than other houseplants. If you water them just as often as non-succulents, it’s likely that they will rot.
Further, a succulent planted in a container or pot without sufficient drainage can lead to overwatering problems. Overwatering is also likely to occur in humid climates.
Signs of overwatering include soft and mushy leaves. They can also look wrinkled which is a sign of underwatering, except that with underwatering, the leaves won’t feel mushy.
On the other side of the spectrum, we have underwatering. Some people think that because succulents like dryness, they don’t need any water at all. While they can go for long periods without water, they will not survive without water.
Succulents will actually look like they’re dying if they are underwatered. This is particularly true if the plant looks shrivelled when it’s expected to be in the middle of its growing period.
Signs of underwatering include wrinkled and/or shrivelled leaves. They may also shrink in size and feel crispy to the touch, rather than mushy which is common in overwatered succulents.
Most pests are easy to deal with but they can be devastating to your succulent if they are left untreated for too long. Signs of an infestation vary depending on the pests.
Mealybugs are common succulent pests. They are small and can have either a white, brown or gray appearance. They may even leave small, sticky droplets that attract ants in the summer, especially.
Ways to Revive Your Succulent
1. Dry Them Out
If your succulents are overwatered, either from your own watering schedule or due to heavy rain, then you should consider leaving them dry out to prevent any further damage.
Start by gently removing the succulent from its container and pouring out any standing water. If you’d prefer to leave the succulent in the soil, try tipping the pot on its side slightly - just be careful to prevent the plant from falling out.
Once the excess water has been removed, place the container in a bright spot to encourage evaporation. Just make sure to keep an eye on them to prevent sunburn.
2. Pruning
Pruning is another way to revive your succulent. For example, if you decided to remove the succulent from its pot to dry out it and you notice some of its roots are beginning to rot, cut away at the affected roots to prevent the rot from spreading through the plant any further.
Note that removing the rot from an overwatered plant doesn’t guarantee that it’ll survive, but it’s certainly worth doing if you don’t have another option.
It may be worth pruning parts of the plant, such as the leaves, that have suffered pest damage or sunburn. This may encourage the plant to focus its energy on new growth.
3. Repotting
Drainage is very important to succulent survival. If you previously planted yours in a container without proper drainage, repotting it into another with better drainage can help to correct those mistakes and help to revive your succulent.
Note that repotting may be necessary anyway if the plant has outgrown its current container. Too small containers can prevent roots from expanding, stunting growth, and overall plant health.
4. Treating Pests
The most obvious solution to a pest problem is to exterminate them as soon as possible. The sooner you can identify the pest, the quicker you can find the best treatment method.
While grabbing an easily accessible pesticide is tempting, many gardeners actually prefer to use other methods. This is because the harsh chemicals that make up the pesticide can be harmful to you and your family, not to mention any pets that may find them a tasty treat.