Succulents Without Light
by Succulent MarketDec 15, 2020

It’s not always easy to provide light to a succulent, especially if you live in an area that the sun seems to forget. Luckily, succulents are very adaptable plants and some can thrive and live a good life without much sunlight.
If you want to start growing succulents but have poor lighting conditions, there are still plenty to choose from.
Here are some of the best succulents to grow without light.
Aloe is a very popular succulent. It’s a large genus that covers both dwarf and large plants that can reach as high as 30-feet tall. But it’s the smaller species that tend to do well in the shade, making them excellent for indoor and container gardens.
Aloe is also great for the beginner succulent grower too. It’s very easy to take care of, even if you don’t have a clue about succulents. Just keep it in low light, water it every so often and you’re good to go.
Just be wary that Aloe is poisonous to cats and dogs, so you may be better off with another succulent if you have a furry friend at home.
This succulent gets its name from its stomach-shaped flower. It originates from South Africa and grows well in light shade.
Most species of Gasteria have adapted to grow well indoors but they also grow well in indirect sunlight, as long as they are not exposed to high temperatures. Keep them protected from full sun to preserve them.
Haworthia is another succulent on this list that originates from Africa. It’s a dwarf succulent with many species that have a close resemblance to Aloe Vera in their appearance. Don’t be surprised if you mistake it for one.
Most species of Haworthia grow well without much light. That said, they do look at their absolute best in warm environments. Remember to keep them protected from full sun though.
Haworthia succulents form rosettes of varying shapes and sizes, depending on the species. Some will form clusters while others will form by themselves. Most plants, in general, have thick roots too.
Echeverias succulents can be found across the Americas, ranging from Mexico down to the north-west of South America. Echeverias are best-known for their stunning rosettes. They vary in shapes and sizes from tight and short-stemmed or long stems with hanging rosettes.
One of Echeverias’ most popular traits is their ability to grow in either the ground or containers. And best of all, some species can tolerate low light or partial shade. Take care to not overwater those that are kept in low light though as this could lead to rotting.
Note: due to their origins, Echeverias are not winter hardy succulents either.
Next up is Rhipsalis, a cacti genus native to the rainforests of South America, the Caribbean, and Central America.
Rhipsalis plants have two distinct features that separate them from other succulents. First, they are epiphytes, meaning that they grow on the surface of other plants and collect moisture and nutrients from their surroundings. Second, they grow naturally in rainforests. Most people associate cacti with dry deserts, but Rhipsalis don’t thrive in those conditions.
Due to the massive overhead canopies, this succulent is used to not getting much light. At home, they grow best with morning sun and full shade in the afternoon.
The most popular Kalanchoe succulents are small shrubs with thick leaves. The leaves themselves come in a wide range of shapes and sizes; they can smooth or be covered in fine fuzzy hair.
Kalanchoes are highly adaptable plants. They are very easy to grow and maintain, including without much light, though they do prefer to be exposed to indirect sunlight where possible. They produce clusters of colorful flowers and blooms.
In fact, some species of Kalanchoe are so easy to grow that they have earned the name “Mother of Thousands” or “Mother of Millions”.
Beaucarnea recurvate (Ponytail Palm Tree)
Despite its name, Ponytail Palm Trees are not actually palm trees. This succulent has a bulbous trunk to store water and long, thin leaves that grow from the top of the trunk - hence the name.
This succulent requires little watering and is very forgiving when it comes to lighting. They can tolerate low light for half the year, so they make for excellent houseplants.