What Are the Types of Aeonium? Here's a Review and The Top Four Types of Aeonium
by Lynn KirkJun 11, 2021

Botanical roots. What is aeonium in botanical terms? Well, it’s a genus. It's also a proud member of the stonecrop family (Crassulaceae). It has a rather small clan of only 35 relatives (i.e., different species).
Not a household name. What is aeonium in layman's terms? Well, if it sounds like Greek, that's because it is. The name Aeonium stems from a Greek root word that means ageless or immortal. Now that's apropos since aeonium is easy to grow and easy to propagate >> plus it can live for years!
Home sweet home. The aeonium is native to the Canary Islands, off the coast of Spain, as well as parts of Africa and Morocco. No wonder it prefers a moderate climate when used in outdoor plantings.
Character traits: How do you describe aeonium? Well first, it’s a unique and colorful woody perennial that succulent collectors adore. Its rounded, fleshy leaves grow elongated ‘branches’ that extend out from a center hub in an easily recognizable pattern: a rosette! Most aeonium leaves are waxy and somewhat glossy.
Baby bloomer: From the center of a rosette, tiny star-like flowers grow in massed clusters with hues ranging from solid greens, yellows, reds, and whites to interesting variegations, depending on the species. However, be prepared for a waiting game since flowers typically grow only on a mature plant — which can take as long as four or five years!
Job description: How is aeonium best planted? Plant aeonium as a container-garden complement, or group masses as a specimen plant. Aeonium also works well along borders and as a decorative in a Xeriscape (arid, desert-like) garden.
Here are the top 4 aeoniums that can readily enhance your succulent garden:
1. Aeonium Black Rose: Black hints at its rich chocolaty-plum foliage that remains dark (as long as it receives full sun), while rose reveals the form of its foliage.
2. Aeonium Bronze Medal. This succulent's rosette-style growth develops into a compact mound that resembles a floral bouquet. Bronze and burgundy highlights make it a striking addition to any succulent collection.
3. Aeonium Gomerense: If you want to go green, aeonium gomerense is a great choice. Its primary color is a soothing green that boasts a tinge of burgundy edging.
4. Aeonium Canariensis: This large succulent has potential to grow up to a foot tall with rosettes up to a foot across! Place it in the sun and watch its fuzzy rosettes take on a red tinge over time. But don’t despair when a rosette dies. It’s a monocarpic plant, which means that it bears seeds only once. As a result, each blooming stem will die after flowering.
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