Are Succulents Poisonous?
by Succulent Market AdminSep 11, 2020

If you love having plants around you all the time, succulents make one of the best indoor plants to adorn your home with. They're fleshy leaves, and bright flowers create a stunning display. Additionally, the air-purifying capabilities clean the air of unwanted pollutants. As beneficial as they are to have around , you may be concerned whether they are safe to have if there are pets or toddlers in the house.
If you want to create a harmonious environment with pets, kids, and indoor plants, you’ll want to pick the non-toxic varieties. Diarrhea, nausea, tummy aches, or vomiting after they touch or ingest plants aren’t a pretty sight, so you’ll want to avoid it under all circumstances. How safe are succulents? Are they poisonous at all? Which succulents will you want to avoid if you want a safe environment? Keep reading to find out.
Are all succulents poisonous?
No, most succulents are NOT poisonous to humans or pets.
Many of them have long since been used in the creation of medicines and ointments to treat conditions. However, not all succulents are non-toxic. Those from the Euphorbia family are the most common poisonous succulents that exist.
Succulents you need to watch out for
Most succulents are non-toxic. However, a couple of them may be a potential risk if you have kids or pets at home. Here's a list:
At the top of the list for toxic succulents, we have all the Euphorbia family members, and for a good reason. The sap from their leaves can cause skin irritations for most people. Wear gloves whenever you handle a Euphorbia and take care that your kids or pets don't contact the sap or ingest it accidentally. Symptoms associated with ingestion may include irritations in the mouth and vomiting.
Kalanchoes aren’t poisonous to humans, but mildly toxic for cats and dogs. Bufadienolides in their sap can upset the stomach, and cause vomiting, mouth irritations, and unusual drooling.
Aloe vera
Although aloe vera makes a popular houseplant, they aren't as safe as you might think. Though they offer countless medicinal benefits to humans, they're toxic to your pets. The succulent contains toxins, including glycosides, anthraquinones, saponins, and anthracene. Vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, or red urine in cats and dogs may result from ingesting aloe vera.
Jade Plant
The Jade plant has a poisonous sap, just like all the rest mentioned above. Ingestion of the sap can result in symptoms like vomiting, depression, lethargy, diminished coordination, and diarrhea.
Pet-friendly succulents
Here are the best non-toxic succulents you’ll have no problem having around in a home with pets and kids:
Hens and chicks
Sempervivum, better known as hens and chicks, is a beautiful perennial popularly used as groundcovers. They're not very particular about their temperatures or light requirements and non-toxic to humans and pets.
Although they look much like the popular aloe vera, unlike the latter, all Haworthias are safe to have around pets. They'll need bright lighting and good soil drainage to survive.
Burro’s tail
Sedum Burrito is sometimes called Burro's Tail or Donkey's Tail. They're pretty simple to grow and give a stunning appearance with thick green leaves clustered in hanging stems.
If you have toddlers or pets in the house, the best option is to go for the non-toxic varieties. If your heart is still set on a particular poisonous variety, be sure to keep it out of reach from pets and children.