How To Water Succulents Indoors
by Succulent MarketJan 4, 2021

Succulents are very popular right now. They’re very low maintenance and look great - the perfect combination!
That said, just because indoor succulents are the ultimate low maintenance plant, that doesn't mean there isn't room for error! Watering succulents indoors properly is very important to their survival. For example, too frequent watering can cause a succulent to wilt and die, so it's better to water them less rather than more.
So, how often do indoor succulents need watering? Moreover, what’s the best way to water succulents indoors?
This guide will explain, so stick around to learn more.
How To Water Succulents
There are several ways to water a succulent indoors.
First is with a watering can. This method is best for large indoor succulents in larger pots. Wet the soil until it’s completely soaked. Make sure you only water the soil and avoid getting it on the leaves.
Next is with a watering syringe. This method is best for smaller indoor succulents. Simply fill the syringe with water and inject it into the soil, again, until it's completely soaked.
Finally is with a spray bottle. Spray the water directly onto the soil that’s dry to the touch. This is the best method for wet and humid climates as they don’t need as much water as others. It’s also the best way to water succulents for propagation.
How To Water Succulents Indoors
Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to follow for watering a succulent indoors:
- Water the succulent once a week or biweekly
- Check the soil’s moisture with your finger
- If it feels dry, water it until it’s completely soaked
- Ensure the succulent’s pot has plenty of drainage holes to allow any excess water to drain away
- Let the soil completely dry out again before the next watering
Now, overwatering and underwatering are two of the most common reasons why indoor succulents die. Yellow and soggy leaves are signs of overeating, while brown and dry leaves are signs of underwatering. That said, dry leaves at the bottom of the succulent are normal so are not signs of underwatering; they mean that the plant is ready to replace its leaves.
With the above in mind, there is one foolproof way to avoid over or underwatering a succulent indoors and that’s using the soak and dry method. As the term suggests, it involves completely soaking the soil and leaving it to fully dry out before watering again.
The soak and dry method works because it mimics a succulent’s natural environment. It may not rain much in the desert, but when it does, it pours.
Humidity is also important to consider. Those in a drier climate will need to water their succulent more often than those that live in higher humidity. Succulents with thicker leaves need less water than those with thinner leaves too. Overall, just keep an eye on the soil and make a note of how long it’s been since the last watering.
Succulent Watering Mistakes
It’s easy to make mistakes when watering succulents, which is why many of them don’t live as long as they should. As long as you can avoid falling into these pitfalls, there’s no way your succulents will die prematurely.
Bad Soil
Soil is so important for growing succulents. Many people just assume you can plant them in regular potting soil and they’ll be OK. Unfortunately, this just is not the case. Remember, succulents are native to extreme conditions, so the soil they’re used to is completely different.
As such, plant your succulent in a fast-draining soil or a soil specifically created for succulents. They’ll thrive from the moment they’re planted. It’s also smart to place a few small pebbles or perlite at the bottom of the pot too as they are excellent for improving drainage.
Pots Without Drainage Holes
Succulents store a lot of water but they can’t always absorb it all. Excess water is a big killer of succulents indoors so ensure that its pot has plenty of drainage holes. It’s certainly possible to grow a succulent indoors without drainage holes, but it’ll have you working around the clock to ensure it has enough water. Also opt for pots with drainage holes to avoid this hassle and keep the succulent happy all the while.