by Lynn KirkNov 12, 2021

Sedum plants are popular, plentiful, and prolific. They’re also pleasing, plump, and perennial (in their appropriate environment, that is). So what are the top 10 uses for sedum?
1. Greenery for challenging places. Sedums tend to be tough and hardy. They’ll grow where other plants won’t or don’t. Stonecrop, the sedum’s family name, fits for sure because it’s a “crop” that feels right at home among stones and stone walls' nooks and crannies. Sedum’s common name is equally apropos. The Lain word sedeo means to sit, and that’s exactly what a sedum does. It sits and grows in rock gardens, rockeries, and other challenging places. As succulents that retain water, they’re equally happy in regions of drought and areas with poor soil, as long as the plant zone’s temperature range matches the species’ needs. Tip: Sedums with larger form work well in perennial borders.
2. Ornamental beauty. The sedum family ranges across 450 to 500+ species, each with its own characteristics and interest. Their variety of shapes and growth patterns make for interesting additions to gardens —whether indoors or out, uncontained beds or contained plantings. And when it comes to color, expect lovely hues among their enchanting little blooms. Some varieties’ stems offer up changing hues through the seasons, too. Bonus: Sedums’ flowerheads attract colorful butterflies that enhance a garden’s charm.
3. Ground covers. Many sedum species tend to spread fairly quickly, forming dense carpets across garden beds and rocky hillsides. Not only are mats of sedum fairly easy to establish; they’re naturals at fighting erosion, holding water, and cooling neighboring plants. Shorter varieties tend to work better as ground covers, especially in barren and unsightly places. Tip: Research before selecting since some sedums are invasive.
4. Weed reduction. Skip the weeding, just plant sedum. Dragon’s blood (Sedum Spurium) tends to choke out surrounding weeds as it spreads. Yep, sedum is a weeder’s best friend since it’s a lot easier to plant sedums and watch them spread than it is to weed all those garden beds!
5. Rookie gardening. Sedums are survivors. That’s because they’re forgiving when it comes to water (as long as you don’t overwater!). Basically, they need water sparingly applied about once a month, plus a place in the sun. Also, not that many pests want to bug them! Truly “no-fuss” plants, sedums are ideal for wanna-be gardeners. As perennials that typically return from dormancy year after year, their chances for continual growth can build a rookie’s green-thumb confidence in no time!
6. Container designs. Professional garden designers will tell you that every container garden needs plants in three forms: thriller, filler, and spiller. Sedums’ varied structures and growing characteristics can provide all three, whether you’re working with rock gardens, designing fairy gardens, planting open terrariums, or filling outdoor pots.
7. Healthy home and office. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and return fresh air, and sedums (and most other succulents) continue the process all night long. Having sedums around your indoor environs also helps with restful sleep, stress release, and productivity increase.
8. Craft making. Make-it-yourself sedum jewelry, hair barrettes, and fashion embellishments make accessories come alive … literally! They also double as unique special-occasion gifts, plus super-fun projects for kids, tweens, teens, and “girls’ night in” activities. A bag of succulent leaves coupled with creativity can go a long way
9. Decorating. Assorted sedum cuttings and multiple mini-pots of sedum plants are an easy-to-work-with, one-of-a-kind foundation for holiday decorating, special-event tabletops, living wreaths, and so on! Tip: An artsy or ingeniously repurposed container can be as fascinating as the plants themselves.
10. Green-roof gardening. Stewards of our planet plant sedums across rooftops of homes and businesses in warmer environs. Others create vertical displays of sedums (and other succulents) to add much-needed greenery to urban settings and small-space gardens. Planting sedums in groupings that act as outdoor ecosystems helps improve air quality; diffuses urban heat; adds natural beauty; and serves as a rewarding hobby. Tip: Rooftop gardens have proven to increase property value!
So, with these top 10 uses for sedum, it’s a good thing that they're easy to find and inexpensive to buy. For a variety of sedums nurtured by America’s largest domestic grower of succulent plants, log on You’ll discover potted options (including the ever-popular burro’s tail), as well as bag of succulent cuttings for purchase.
Sedums supposedly symbolize peace and tranquility, so why not see if they increase yours?